Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

37-Week Update!

Hello! Today we had our 37-Week Ultrasound Appt! I have been SO excited for this appointment as I am getting more and more impatient with each day.

We confirmed by ultrasound that the baby is STILL breech. He/she just doesn't want to turn around, I guess. Everything else looked great and after some measurements, they predicted our baby currently weighs 7 pounds so we are right on track for a 8 to 8 1/2 pound baby by the time of delivery.

Our doctor recommends doing a C-section delivery two weeks from today! Can you even believe it?? So...October 12th will be our little miracle's birthday! We had to get it all scheduled and arranged with the hospital but all the details are now confirmed. We are to arrive about 5:30am on Wednesday, Oct. 12th and will have the surgery at 7:15am. What a concept huh? Who knew childbirth could be that quick?!

We are very excited but now we realize how much stuff we have left to do in the two weeks until we meet our little miracle. We will use every bit of time we have to finish everything.

I am having some anxiety about the scheduled C-section, mainly about the surgery itself and the long, tough recovery that I know is in front of me. I will trust God that he knows what he's doing and that he will bring us safely through it. And, I just keep telling myself that many women have C-sections and do just fine. We would love and greatly appreciate any prayers for a safe and successful procedure.

Will continue to update as I can!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

36-Week Update!

Today we had our 36-week update and our little miracle is STILL in the breech position! He/she is being very stubborn and as Josh says "Well, our baby is definitely special." ;-)

We will wait until our appointment next week, at 37 weeks, to confirm the baby's position by ultrasound and if he/she is still breech next week, we will have more serious discussions about our options.

Our two basic options will be to schedule a C-section to deliver at 39 weeks OR there is a procedure we can try called Version, where the doctor tries to externally turn the baby into a head down position. Our doctor actually doesn't recommend doing a version on a first time mom because the uterine muscles usually aren't limber enough for the procedure to be successful. She indicated that there is only a 50/50 success rate with this type of procedure and even less than that for first time pregnant women.

We are just praying for God to show us guidance on how to proceed with safely delivering our little miracle into this great world.

We are open to a C-section, although that's not what either of us would have preferred. I know the recovery will be much tougher and for an extreme hypochondriac like me, it could prove to be an especially rough time. But, we are trying to stay positive for now and ultimately, we just want our little miracle here safe and sound.

We will update more next week after our ultrasound!