Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This weekend, we had our first baby shower...and it was a VIRTUAL one at that!

Josh's family is pretty spread out across the country and his parents (who live in California) decided to host two Skype Baby Showers for us! We did two back to back sessions and everything went great for the most part! We had a few technical glitches along the way but it was such a GREAT way to catch up with everyone. Plus, all of Josh's family was able to see our nursery and Josh was challenged to change a doll's diaper in front of everyone and I took on the challenge to stack baby cups as fast as I could!

It was a lot of fun and here are some pics!

Here are the supplies we needed for the games:

Here are some of the gifts we received in the mail prior to the shower:

Here is a shot of the computer SKYPE screen!

Here is a shot of me trying to stack baby cups as fast as I can:

Here is a shot of Josh changing a doll's diaper:

Thanks to JoAnn and Dave Funk for hosting a GREAT SKYPE shower and thanks to all of Josh's family for attending and such generous gifts!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Glucose Test PASSED!

I forgot to update but at our 24 week appointment, we had our glucose screening test for gestational diabetes and we PASSED! We were never so relieved because I have had alot of issues with my blood sugar since being diagnosed with PCOS, which was the whole root of my infertility problems. It had been a big stress leading up to the test so we were very relieved when we received the good news! Bring on the carbs! ;-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I'm sure some of you are wondering what is a babymoon anyway? Well, I think traditionally, a babymoon is the time after you have a baby for the new parents to spend bonding with the new baby. But, becoming more and more popular, the Babymoon is a time when the expectant parents can get away on a trip one last time before the baby comes.

Josh happened to have 5 days off in a row right around the 4th of July Holiday so we decided to take our Babymoon! I didn't feel up to flying anywhere and therefore, we settled on going to Kansas City and staying on the Plaza in one of the nice hotels. Josh and I have always loved going to Kansas City and have some many fond memories of past trips there. The Plaza area has a lot of character and we have enjoyed the shops and restaurants there!

We stayed at the Intercontinental on the Plaza and had such a wonderful time. It was just a great time to relax and talk about the miracle of a new life that is growing inside of me. We ate tons of great food, walked around the shops, went to movies, and just generally relaxed.

Some of the roads from Omaha to Kansas City were closed due to flooding, so we took a major detour to get there. Here's a shot of our picnic lunch on the way down.

A view of our room at the Intercontinental right after we checked in:

We had a nice balcony room overlooking the Plaza. It was a great view!

Our first dinner that night was at Jack Stack's BBQ and had delicious food!

After dinner, we took a private Gondala ride on the river next to the Plaza. The "Romance Package" came with non-alcoholic wine, 2 boxes of chocolate and complimentary wine glases and a private, 20 minute ride. It was very romantic and very peaceful to glide along the water looking at all the lights of Kansas City.

We enjoyed coffee and breakfast on our balcony in the mornings!

We took our dog, Pica with us on our Babymoon as the hotel allowed dogs and the Plaza is VERY pet friendly. She is a great little traveler!

We went to this amazing Italian restaurant where meals are served family style!

There was a Three Dog Bakery store in the Plaza and took our Pica there and got her some pretty fancy dog treats. She loved it and had a great time!

Our Hotel: We were in the wing on the right side with the balconies.

Room service and Movie Night in our Room!

It was a GREAT Babymoon and we are very thankful we had that time to recharge and spend some time enjoying being just the two of us.