Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Surprise from Josh!

Tonight Josh came home from work and surprised me with a gift from one of our favorite stores. Parables is a Christian bookstore/gift store here in Omaha and we always love browsing through there.

He bought a onesie for the baby that said, "Proof that Miracles Happen." I was pretty touched and really reflects our feelings on how God is working a miracle in our lives.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today I went in for a last minute doctor's appointment after having some issues that I thought needed to be looked at. They ended up doing an unexpected ultrasound and everything looked GREAT! The baby is continuing to develop normally and there appears to be no problems. It is never tiring seeing our little miracle on the ultrasound and it brings me great reassurance.

They were able to do a 3-D picture of the baby and I have decided that it looks just like Josh! ;-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friends Wedding AND New Stroller/Carseat Combo Gift!

This weekend we went up to my hometown in Norfolk, NE because I was a bridesmaid in the wedding of one of my best friends from high school! It was a great time, but it's pretty exhausting being a bridesmaid while pregnant! I am about 15 weeks pregnant so at least, it's early on but it was still challenging ordering the dress not knowing what size I would be. Luckily, everything fit great and the style of the dress was very comfortable! It was a beautiful wedding and we are very happy for Nelle and Jon!

Here's a picture of Josh and I from the wedding!

This was also Mother's Day Weekend so we were able to spend the time with my family. My parents surprised us with a very nice stroller/car seat combo that they bid on at a silent auction. It also came with a smaller, umbrella stroller and was such a nice, thoughful gift! We love the pattern and it will be very gender neutral!