Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Start on Baby's Room!

I will first just say that Josh and I are total packrats! We keep EVERYTHING and
the baby's room has been serving as our guest room for the last 5 years. In addition to that, I have used the whole closet for all my extra clothes (I am addicted to clothes) ;-) and the rest of the room is jam packed full of stuff wherever we could find room!

Needless to say, we needed to get started going through things, throwing away things and getting the junk out of that room! Not an easy job! We sold our mattress on Craig's List so that helped getting a start in clearing the room!

Here's a shot of the room once the bed was gone but before we even started going through things!

Here's some more little things for the room that we picked up to match our theme:



Diaper Stacker:


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