Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egg Retrieval/Transfer Update!

We underwent the Egg Retrieval procedure on January 24th and they were successful at retrieving 6 eggs. Out of those 6, 5 of them fertilized and only four made it to the Blastocyst stage, which is the stage they like the embryo to get to before transfer to the uterus. We were excited for our good outcome, but a little nervous, as it was not as many eggs as they were able to retrieve last fall when we underwent our first IVF treatment.

Nonetheless, we proceeded with transfer on January 29th!

Here's a picture of us on the day of our transfer.

They transferred two of the four embryos that day and froze the other two for future use.

After this step, we rest and will wait for about a week and a half!

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