Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beta HCG Positive!!

Since our transfer, we have been waiting and waiting! What a long week and a half it has been. Finally today, on Monday, Feb. 7th, we had our first blood draw, which was checking for a positive Beta HCG test, indicating that we were pregnant! The nurse called with the results around 11am and said our number was 181 and very positive! This was such great news and we are so excited! Tonight just for fun, Josh and I took a home pregnancy test just to see what it would say. It turned positive within seconds!! After all these years and many negative pregnancy tests, this was very exciting for us as we have never seen a positive preganacy test before! The next step is to wait for 48 hours and do another blood test. Will update more on Wednesday!

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