Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

12-Week Ultrasound/Update

Today was our 12-Week Appt. and it seems like the last three weeks since our 9-week appointment have just DRAGGED on and on. But, if finally came and was an AMAZING day!

My sister, Jennie, and her daughter, Taylin, who is 2 years old, came with us to the ultrasound. This ultrasound was an extensive check for a variety of different things, including checking bone stucture for possible Down's Syndrome.

Everything appears to have checked out fine on that aspect, which we are very thankful for. But, we won't know for sure until the blood work comes back in a couple of days. The ultrasound lasted for 45 minutes and we got a nice, LONG look at our little miracle!

We couldn't believe how much different the baby looked than the last time! And, we got to see our little miracle jumping all OVER the place inside the sac! What an active little thing! They actually recorded the whole ultrasound for us on DVD so here is a clip from that:

The heartbeat was at 165 today and so everyone is wondering what gender all these heartbeats mean! ;-)

Here's a 3-D/4-D look at the baby as well!

We don't go back now until May 4th for our 16-week appointment and that will be the longest time we've gone without seeing our little miracle on ultrasound or hearing the heartbeat so we will need lots of prayers of patience and strength.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness! This is WONDERFUL! Love-Love-Love this blog! I didn't even know you had started a blog! What fun it will be keep up with all the sweet baby "NEWS"! Can't wait!
