Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Furniture Delivery!

We had an EXCITING day around here!

Most of the baby furniture for the nursery was delivered today from Babies R Us! The crib and two dressers came this morning and Josh was able to spend his day assembling the crib and setting everything in it's place! He had the day off since he is working this coming weekend covering Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting. (We are still waiting on the glider chair to come but that was a special order and won't be here for several more weeks.)

Here's a shot of the guys moving the heavy dressers up the stairs:

He did a good job documenting the delivery and set up, as I was working all day.

Here is one dresser in place next to the changing table. (Please excuse the mess on the changing's still in need of some clearing as it's been acting as our "pharmacy" from all the fertility meds these last few years.)

Here's the second dresser in, the two dressers sit directly across from eachother.

Josh starting to get out all the crib pieces and ready to assemble:

Pica stayed mostly away during all the chaos in the room but Josh said she wandered in the room when he was mostly done setting up the crib and got her picture taken.

Finished wall with Crib, Dresser and Laundry Hamper:

My amazing husband after a long, hard day of work! GREAT WORK Josh!


  1. Oh My!! What a BEAUTIFUL nursery!! Love it all!

  2. Gorgeous, I can't wait to see it in person someday! Good assembly, Josh, did you read the directions? LOL We had fun going around Babys R Us last Friday and searching for things on your baby registry list. There have been lots of new things created in the world of baby-stuff!Love, Mom
