Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

32-Week Update/Ultrasound

Well, we are now 32 weeks along in our pregnancy!

We had an ultrasound yesterday to see how BIG the baby is getting. Everything continues to look great and develop normally. Our baby has changed so much since our last ultrasound at 20 weeks! His/her cheeks have really filled out and we could see HAIR! After all the measurements, they estimated that our baby now weighs 4 pounds, 12 ounces, which is in the 65th percentile. SO...the baby is on the larger side already and we still have 8 weeks to go! Our OB warned us that we could be looking at a 9 pound baby by the time of delivery! YIKES!!! Both Josh and I were in the 8 pound range so we knew might have a bigger baby anyway. Either that, or I am eating too many Cheetos and too much cake! :-)

Here's a 4D pic of the baby's face:

We also found out that the baby is in a breech position right now, so we've got 8 weeks for him/her to turn into the head down position, otherwise, we might be looking at delivering via C-Section. We are really hoping and praying that the baby will turn on it's own between now and then, and we will continue to be monitored to check on that in the coming weeks.

All in all, it was a good appointment and it was SO very wonderful to see our little miracle on ultrasound again after all this time. But, to be honest, I am finding myself more worried about the baby now after we learned of his/her size as well as the breech position. I know I just have to let go and trust God as things will happen according to his will.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

1 comment:

  1. Love-Love-Love your comments, and what a gorgeous and sweet little FACE!!!! Can't believe how they can capture such a realistic image! Beautiful-Precious! Grammie can't wait!
